
What we are aiming for is a comparative analysis of two representations of the political community in the texts of Romanian writers. Ilarie Voronca and Ion Biberi are, in turn, one an avant-garde poet, the other one a novelist, the author of the first Joycean Romanian novel. The community fantasies which they propose do exhibit a strong affinity, although dating from different epochs and developed within different cultural spaces: one in Paris, in the 1930s, the other one in Bucharest during the 1970s. Both have little in common with the representations of the era that produces them. Outlining the political community as a mass that is installed in the street, with an emphasis on body dynamics and the autonomy of individuals in the crowd, they relate better to recent “Occupy”-type manifestations. Instead of functioning as an empathetic environment, where individuals are in sync and all follow the same rhythm, the crowd becomes a revealing element of both the differentiation and of the positive irreductability. On the other hand, this crowd abandons the unique position of discourse (the "we" belonging to a common cause). Instead of slogans, it proffers spontaneous individual speeches, in turn singularized. The political community is illustrated as a community of poets, idealizing a literary life experience.

Keywords: multitude, Occupy community, poetic community, literary sociability, Ilarie Voronca, Ion Biberi.